Country Name - UzbekistanUzbekistan flag

Head of statePresident Islom Karimov
Capital CityTashkent
Official LanguageUzbek 74.3%, Russian 14.2%, Tajik 4.4%, other 7.1%
GDP (PPP) 2013 Estimate ($ billions)156.52
Population 201229,776,850
Ease of Doing Business Rank 2014146
Scientific ranking 2014104
HDI ranking 2013116
Visitor Health InformationClick here
Ambassador to the UKH.E. Mr Alisher Kurmanov
Embassy DetailsEmbassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Embassy Address41 Holland Park, London, W11 3RP
Telephone020 7229 7679
Data Sources: GDP - IMF World Economic Outlook Database (Oct 2013), Population data - World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings - World Bank, Scientific Rankings - SCImago Journal Rank, HDI Rankings - United Nations

Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, is one of only two countries in the world to be doubly landlocked. It shares borders with Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan which are all in turn landlocked countries. The country also lies in a region of considerable seismic activity and is prone to earthquakes.

The northern area of Uzbekistan is dominated by the Kyzyl Kum Desert, the 16th largest in the world and the stony desert like Ustyurt Plateau. To the east of the country lies the fertile Fergana Valley which is surrounded by mountains of the Tain Shan.

Uzbekistan experiences a continental climate of hot summers where temperatures can reach 40°C and cool winters averaging temperatures of -2°C but occasionally reaching -40°C.

Uzbekistan possesses a range of natural resources including, amongst others, natural gas, oil, coal, gold and tungsten.